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#417 - {Official} Star Trek Trivia

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{Official} Star Trek Trivia #417

~~Math Trivia Week~~

This week we will be doing a special trivia week on MATH (a form of random trivia). Next week we will go back to the standard Star Trek questions. The level of difficulty of this math is intermediate algebra, trigonometry, & calculus.



The following function is the standard definition of what?

f(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + . . . + a2x2 + a2 + a1x + a0






Answering: Do not answer here, send your answers to this week’s trivia questions in a PM to me (master_q).


Points: 5



Master Q

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Definition of a polynomial function



For whatever reason I got a lot of weird answers for this one....

I will use the term function in bold



Master Q

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