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Forget july 4th, July1,2,3 means more

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IMO July 1,2,and 3 means alot more on how the USA was shape then july 4th, The Battle of Gettysburg, with the most dead in a battle in North America, helped shape the USA and keep it together, could you imagine what could of happened if the Union was broken up during the Civil War, Germany would Rule Europe, No Space race, due to that Technolgy would suffer, possibly more "north" South" conflicts and proably more death.


so we may celebrate our Independece on July 4th, Dont forget to Reflect on the battle of gettysburg that happened 84 years after The United States were formed.


an intresting note, Before the Civil war, people said the United States are, after ,amy started and do today say the United States is....think about it

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Well said, Dragonwrangler! Every American should visit the Battlefield at Gettysburg. (Side trip to Eisenhower's farm is also worthwhile.) Walk that Battlefield and reflect on the many sacrifices by the soldiers on both sides. There are many highlights of that battlefield - Big and Little Roundtop, Pickett's Charge, the Peach Orchard, the Wheatfield, etc... For me the story of the troops commanded by Joshua Chamberlain is always a highlight. Go there and be inspired.

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I've been to Gettysburg many times and have always felt a sense of awe while walking through the battlefield.

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One should go and see all of the great battlegrounds. From Bunker Hill to Yorktown, Gettysburg, and Pearl to Normandy.

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Gettysburg is in beautiful country too, its beautiful, a trip in the winter with a nice layer of snow is a must.

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One should go and see all of the great battlegrounds. From Bunker Hill to Yorktown, Gettysburg, and Pearl to Normandy.




Do not forget Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Shiloh, Lake Champlain, Appomatox, Trenton, Lexington, Concord, Boston, Port Royal and Anteitam (the bloodiest SINGLE DAY battle of the American Civil War)

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I have been to Gettysburg, and what I remember most is the seemed peaceful and beautiful. I reminds me of Carl Sandburg's poem "Grass." Lincoln's speech helps us not to forget the sacrifice made there.....otherwise it might have become another once bloody now calm scene.


Gettysburg was not enough. The struggle to make America true to its tenets was not finished with the Civil War. The Civil War was the result of what the Founding Fathers failed to face in setting up this union.


Gettysburg was a bloody stop on our national road, but the journey was not any where near being finished. It was not finished with the addition of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, nor with the one that gave women the vote. After the Civil War came Reconstruction, which was was bad for the South. Then came Jim Crow, which was bad for southern blacks. There have been labor movements, and the civil rights movement, and the women's rights movement.....These also involved death and sacrifice.


I think July 4, 1776 is the most appropriate day to celebrate,because it was the day the nation's ideals were declared to the world.


It is where we began. It is a yardstick by which to measure where we are now.


Every day after that day has been a strving to define what those words really mean. It has involved war: the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and The Civil War. It has involved law and protest amd great social movements. It has involved compromise amd sacrifice. And it is not over yet. We are still in a state of becoming.


July 4 is the most appropriate birthday.

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