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Takei: Trek And War Fans, Unite!

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According to George Takei, Star Trek and Star Wars fans shouldn’t be fighting each other, but instead should be uniting against another fandom.


After the recent online exchange between Star Trek‘s William Shatner and Star WarsCarrie Fisher, Takei decided to jump in with his own opinion on the fandom war, with a three minute video, George Takei is the Broker of Star Peace.


Takei080210.gif“No More Hope,” begins the video. “William Shatner went where no man had gone before, risking a civil war that pitted two fan worlds against each other.”


The video shows what happened when Shatner called Star Wars “derivative of Star Trek.” Fisher fired back, claiming that Star Trek wasn’t even in “the same league” as Star Wars.


“Fellow Star folks,” said Takei. “Cool it down! And shut your big wormholes. Each is wonderful in its own special way.”


Takei goes on to encourage both sides to aim at a more worthy target, Twilight. “It is really, really bad,” said Takei. “Gone is any sense of heroism, camaraderie or epic battles. In its place, we have vampires that sparkle, and moan and go to high school…


“But sci-fi fans, be warned. There are no great stories, characters, or profound life lessons to be had in Twilight. Noooo…in Twilight, the only message that rings through loud and clear, is ‘does my boyfriend like me?’ Let us band together to combat this mutual threat.”


While TrekToday certainly doesn’t encourage fandom wars, it’s hard to approve of a series where vampires, instead of bursting into flames when exposed to the sun as they’re supposed to do, sparkle instead. DIAMONDS sparkle. Vampires blaze.






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