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Frakes Joins Interactive Web Series

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Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s Jonathan Frakes has joined Beckinfield, an online science fiction series, billed as the “first mass participation television program.”


Beckinfield, created by Theatrics, premiered last year and is the story of a small town that is anything but ordinary, where there are “snooping scientists, alleged UFOs, a seemingly haunted library,” and an “earthquake that ’caused no damage.’”


Frakes150-091310.gifParticipants in Beckinfield receive story updates and they then “film a video diary in the character they developed, using it to advance the story of a town whose run-in with the spirits of the natives who once occupied the land is wreaking havoc throughout the entire community.”


Nearly three thousand actors take part in the project.


Frakes will be playing Dylan Marks, a director of a play that will tell the story of Beckinfield. Those wishing to be part of this in-story play will be able to audition through their video diaries, with a winner (who will take home $10,000 in real life) to be announced at the upcoming MacWorld conference in San Francisco at the end of January.


“We have brought in an incredible casting director in Scott David, and when we decided that we were going to do this in-world contest and bring in a celebrity director who is part of the world of Beckinfield, Scott recommended the wonderful Jonathan Frakes,” said Tracy Evans, Chief Operations Officer of Theatrics. “He has become a character, and is actually going to be the final judge of this content that we have currently running.”


To learn about Beckinfield, or to find out how to take part in the web series, head to the link located here.




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