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Voyager-themed Flat Must Go

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Neither bankruptcy nor a fungal attack could stop Star Trek fan Tony Alleyne from making his dream of having a Star Trek Voyager-themed flat come true, but a divorce will force him to turn that apartment back into a conventional one.


Alleyne took several years and spent £30,000 to turn his apartment into a Star Trek Voyager-themed residence, which featured “a computer console, flashing lights and ‘transporters.’”


Alleyne.gifLast year, problems arose with mold and fungus invading the flat and it turned out that Alleyne’s downstairs neighbor was growing marijuana in his apartment, using hydroponic growing equipment. “The police came and knocked on the door of the place below and took away twenty-five cannabis plants and the equipment,” said Alleyne. “I couldn’t believe there was something like that going on right below me. When the police took the hydroponics away all that stuff looked as hi-tech as my place.”


Alleyne was able to restore the apartment to its former glory, but now a new menace threatens his unique residence, his forthcoming divorce. Alleyne and wife Georgina separated in 1994 and are now divorcing. Georgina had been paying the mortgage since 1994, but she now wants to sell the flat, but not as a Trek-themed residence. “I want to sell it as conventional property,” she said.


“To say I’m gutted is an understatement,” said Alleyne. “It is my life’s work – and it looks like it’s going into a skip. I admit there were tears.”


Alleyne estimates to redo the project elsewhere would cost at least £100,000.




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