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Pine Sued By Former Agency

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Chris Pine‘s former talent agency, SDB Partners, has filed a suit against the actor after being dropped via email in November.


SDB Partners took a chance on Pine back in 2002 when “nobody was willing to touch [him],” and helped the actor to land various roles including that of James T. Kirk on Star Trek XI.


According to the details of the lawsuit, “Through this lawsuit, SDB seeks to not only recover its commissions on millions of dollars that Pine has already earned, but also the millions of dollars that Pine will continue to earn as a result of SDB’s prior hard work and dedication to Pine’s career.”


Pine supposedly has ceased paying the standard ten percent commission on his projects, including Star Trek XI, and a request by the agency for Pine to “acknowledge his financial obligations” has gone unanswered.


Although loyal to SDB Partners for years, Pine decided to finally part ways with them when a last meeting failed to produce results. “After much thought and consideration, I have decided that it is best for me to leave,” Pine said in his email to SDB Partners. “I hope that you will understand that this decision was very difficult for me to make because I owe much of the success in my career to all of you.  At our last group meeting I explained that I was frustrated and needed more than what I was getting from the agency.  I thought that with some time, perhaps, my feelings might change but unfortunately they have not.”


The lawsuit also provided details of Pine’s compensation for his projects, including Star Trek. Allegedly, he is to receive $1.5 million plus up to $500,000 in backend compensation for Star Trek 2, and three million dollars plus the $500,000 in backend for a third Star Trek film, if one is produced. Pine also receives five percent of net merchandising revenue from name and likeness exploitation.




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