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Roberson – A Trek Fan Writing A Trek Comic

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For Chris Roberson, writing a Star Trek comic was natural, given that he had been a fan of Star Trek since childhood.


“As an elementary school student in the 1970s, I ‘dressed up’ for class pictures in Starfleet uniform shirts (usually Sciences blue, since I tended to identify more with Spock than any other character),” said Roberson. “I was a member of the Starfleet fan club in the 1980s, and a member of the Klingon Language Institute in the 1990s.”


Roberson had always wanted to write for Star Trek. “And more recently,” he said, “I was able to realize a childhood dream when I was invited to write a Star Trek novella for Pocket Books’ Myriad Universes series.”


So when Roberson was asked to come onboard for IDW Publishing’s crossover series, he didn’t hesitate. “They approached me with the project,” he said. “I don’t think they realized how much of a fanatic for both Star Trek and the Legion of Super-Heroes I am until much later!”


When it came to writing Trek characters, Roberson had a favorite one. “If I’m honest, I probably had the most fun writing dialogue for Doctor McCoy,” he said. Every line I wrote, I heard in my head in the voice of DeForest Kelley. But then, the same goes for Kirk, whose lines echoed in my head in the delivery style of William Shatner.”


One character that wasn’t quite as easy to write was Spock, as Roberson found out. “The only note we got back from CBS was that Spock could not speak with contractions, which I had done once or twice,” said Roberson.


Star Trek/Legion of Superheroes #6, which ends the crossover series, will be out tomorrow. How does Roberson feel about the series ending? “I could have continued writing these characters indefinitely,” he said, “but I was delighted to have had the chance to do it, all the same!”




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