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Takei: Responses To Coming Out

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When George Takei came out in 2005, he received many emails; most were positive but some were not.


Although out to family, friends and select others, Takei came out publicly in 2005 in response to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s veto of a gay marriage bill.


“I watched it on TV with my blood boiling,” said Takei. “That’s when I decided to speak to the press, so I’ve been out since 2005. You’re not really out until the press says you are out, I guess.”


Soon, the emails began arriving. “It was overwhelmingly positive – my computer exploded with emails,” said Takei. “But ten percent were hate mails that were very ugly and ominously threatening. I’m talking about death threats.”


Takei has been married to Brad Altman since 2008.




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