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Star Trek Continues Webseries

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Star Trek Continues, a new Star Trek webseries, has announced their cast and a familiar name will be taking on one of the roles of a main character in the production.


Chris Doohan, son of the late James Doohan, will be taking on the role of Scotty in Star Trek Continues. Other roles include Vic Mignogna as Captain Kirk, Todd Haberkorn as Mr. Spock, Chuck Huber as Dr. McCoy, Grant Imahara as Mr. Sulu, Kim Stinger as Lieutenant Uhura and Wyatt Lenart as Ensign Chekov.


The new webseries will be produced by Farragut Films, the film group responsible for the Starship Farragut webseries.


“A great deal of thought and consideration went into assembling the best cast possible,” said Mignogna. “Every one of them is an accomplished and skilled professional who brings so much to the production. From the beginning, we committed to having experienced actors who would bring deep and endearing performances, and that’s exactly what we have. I hope the avid admirers of Star Trek will enjoy this cast’s work as much as we are going to enjoy making it!”


Filming for the webseries will begin in May, at Farragut Films Studio in Kingsland, Georgia.


In the upcoming weeks, additional information will be released on the other characters with biographical details regarding their acting and industry credentials.




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