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Kurtzman: Magnetic Cumberbatch & Crushing Star Trek

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Star Trek 2‘s Alex Kurtzman is full of praise for J.J. Abrams, Star Trek 2 and newcomer Benedict Cumberbatch.


Set to play a “mysterious villain,” Cumberbatch is receiving high marks for his work thus far in Star Trek 2. “He’s incredible,” said Kurtzman. “What he does with language is incredible. His training is amazing and he’s so magnetic. He holds the screen in any size frame. He really is a joy to watch.”


Praise also went to J.J. Abrams. “The movie is going unbelievably well,” said Kurtzman. “J.J. as usual is crushing it; he’s doing an amazing, amazing job. I think as much as we put all of our love and effort into the first one, there’s even more in this one and he is really, he’s such an exacting and beautiful director. What I watch him do, it’s so amazing, he inspires everybody around him and he’s been so utterly true to everything that we all have honored and loved about Trek so that’s kind of where we’re at right now. The finish line is in sight.”


Kurtzman spoke about Star Trek 2 in general, hinting that one should not assume that the Enterprise crew are all best buddies after the events of Star Trek XI. “Without spoiling anything, the challenge is that you don’t want to jump too far ahead and assume that just because they got together they’re all comfortable with each other,” he said. “They’re still all working out their kinks and still becoming the bridge crew that we remember from the series. That’s still very much alive, and look, any good sequel is about the challenge that the group faces in order to become the unified team and I think that that challenge in this movie is going to be hopefully amazing.”


Star Trek 2 opens May 17, 2013.




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