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The Next Generation Cast Calgary Expo Reunion

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Last weekend, fans attending the Calgary Expo in Calgary, Canada were able to see the entire cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation, plus surprise guest John de Lancie.


Over fifty thousand fans attended the weekend event, with the highlight of the convention being the TNG:EXPOsed event which took place Saturday evening.


The Next Generation cast shared stories, which brought both laughter and tears to the audience and cast alike. Wil Wheaton spoke about leaving the show and how he felt afterwards about that decision.


“I left Star Trek: The Next Generation when I was eighteen years old,” said Wheaton. “And initially, I thought it was a really smart business career move. And In some ways it was, and in more ways it wasn’t.


“And what I was unprepared for was how much I was going to miss the people who are on this stage and how much I was gong to miss this spacesuit that I hated wearing.”


Wheaton felt ashamed of leaving, but appearing together with the entire cast at the Calgary Expo was like, “coming home,” he said, choking up with emotion. Marina Sirtis than ran over to hug Wheaton.


LeVar Burton lightened the mood, telling Wheaton that he was a “pain in the ass.” But Wheaton was “OUR pain in the ass,” said Burton.




Thanks to Patrick Dodds for the tip and for the photo used in the article.




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