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Nimoy Boston University Address

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Yesterday, Star Trek‘s Leonard Nimoy delivered the convocation address at Boston University’s College of Fine Arts.


Nimoy shared his memories of growing up in Boston, where he sold newspapers on a “windy Arlington Street in the winter.”


One story that fans may not have heard is that in his early acting days, Nimoy met up with a future president while driving a cab.


“I drove a taxi at night, so I could be available for auditions in the day,” said Nimoy. “One night, I picked up Jack Kennedy at [a] hotel. Yes, that Jack Kennedy.”


“We chatted about careers, politics and show business,” said Nimoy. “And we agreed that both had a lot in common. Maybe too much in common. He said, ‘Lots of competition in your business, just like mine.’ And then he gave me this. ‘Just remember, there’s always room for one more good one.’ Words to live by, and I tried to do that.”






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