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McGinnis: Star Trek III’s Mr. Adventure

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In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Trek fans were amused by a character known as “Mr. Adventure,” played by Scott McGinnis, whose desire to escape “the hind end of space” led to his being locked into a closet by Commander Uhura after his wish for a little excitement came true.


Mr. Adventure was so-named after the Starfleet lieutenant told Uhura that “…maybe [peace and quiet is] OK for someone like you, whose career is winding down. But me, I need some excitement, some adventure… maybe even just a surprise or two.”


He got his surprise when Admiral Kirk, Dr. McCoy and Sulu appeared in the transporter room. “You wanted adventure, how’s this?” mocked Uhura. “The old adrenaline going, huh? Good boy. Now get in the closet.”


Although his character may have been utterly owned by Uhura in the movie, McGinnis enjoyed working with Nichelle Nichols. “I loved Nichelle,” said McGinnis. “I had the best time with her. We got along very well. She just was really easy and fun to work with.”


When he auditioned for the part, McGinnis had a bit of a different take on Mr. Adventure. “When I first auditioned, I played Mr. Adventure a little rougher around the edges,” he said. “He was not so corporate.”


But Director Leonard Nimoy had a different vision of the character. “Nimoy suggested that he should be a little more uptight, a little more corporate about everything,” said McGinnis. “That was Nimoy’s big note, I remember. He just wanted Mr. Adventure to be a little less rowdy or obnoxious, and more straightforward. Then, when they put me in wardrobe and did my hair that way, it was a little more clean-cut, and I kind of went with it.”


McGinnis still hears about the character, even though almost thirty years have passed since he played the role. “I got a call about a year ago from a guy who does trading cards,” he said. “He said, ‘I want to send you three thousand Mr. Adventure cards,’ with my picture on them. I guess they’re part of a series. I said, ‘Sure.’ I’ve also been contacted by an agent who does conventions, and we’re trying to see if there’s room for Mr. Adventure at any of the Trek conventions.”


“My kids love it,” said McGinnis. “I have a ten-year-old and a fourteen-year-old and they’re like, ‘You’re Mr. Adventure, Dad. How cool.’ So, it was a small role, but it was a fun role and it was certainly a fun part of my acting experience.”




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