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Star Trek Game Introduces The New Gorn

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Several days ago, the villain for the forthcoming Star Trek video game was announced, and today, players can see what the alien will look like.


One of the more painful aspects of the original series episode Arena, in which the Gorn was first seen, was the rather fake-looking Gorn, but in the new Star Trek game, the Gorn looks like a creature to be feared, not scorned.


Gorn11-150x150.jpgIn Star Trek, “Determined to conquer the galaxy, the Gorn returns as re-imagined versions of the classic Trek villains, infecting their foes with venom that can poison, cause hallucinations, and even kill. Ranging in size and abilities, the Gorn seed mayhem and destruction as they destroy populations and deplete planets of their resources.”


Click on the thumbnail to see a full-sized image of the Gorn.




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