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Shatner LAX. Wardrobe Malfunction

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No one who flies enjoys having to go through the TSA security lines, but for William Shatner, his trip to South Africa began with an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction.


Going to South Africa, where he intended to work and then go on safari, meant a twenty-two hour flight, so Shatner wanted to be comfortable on the plane. “I’m going on a long trip to South Africa,” he said. “So I’m wearing very loose clothing…You don’t want anything to bind you.”


But before getting on the plane, Shatner was obliged to go through the TSA security line. “I never pass through security,” said Shatner. “I have metal in my hip.”


And indeed, Shatner was pulled over to one side, where he underwent the enhanced security pat-down. While being examined (no belts for men during the security screening) “my pants fall down! I’m in LAX and my pants are around my knees!”


“It was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me,” said Shatner.


Shatner can’t resist joking about the incident though. On his Twitter feed, he said “My wardrobe malfunction @LAX is making the rounds online. for those that were witness I apologize. For those that kept staring shame on you!”






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