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New Play for Billingsley

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Star Trek: Enterprise‘s John Billingsley (Dr. Phlox) has landed a role in a new play.


The play is a new version of Nikolai Gogol‘s The Government Inspector.


In The Government Inspector, “The corrupt, self-seeking officials of a small town in Tsarist Russia mistake a penniless clerk for a government inspector, and chaos, recrimination, and retribution ensue.”


The Government Inspector, originally published in 1936, has been “re-envisioned as a cutting, tragic farce with influences from Monty Python and Brazil, this painful, hilarious investigation of people’s characters gone to seed makes for hysterical comedy with a good dose of soul.”


Others in The Government Inspector include: Alan Brooks, Joe Fria, Megan Goodchild, Sara Hennessy, Shannon Holt, Adam Haas Hunter, Dana Kelly Jr., Jacob Sidney and Eileen T’Kaye.


The Government Inspector will open on July 28, with previews beginning July 16, and run through August 26 at The Theater @ Boston Court (Boston Court Performing Arts Center) in Pasadena, California. Tickets may be purchased here.




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