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Shatner Get A Life Preview

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A short preview from William Shatner‘s Get a Life! documentary is now available on Shatner’s YouTube page.


Get a Life! is the “exploration of strangers who have for years attended conventions…” and the film will reveal “a fun and touching side of the fanfare surrounding Star Trek, and examine the thrill of what’s happening at these fantasy conventions and the enduring popularity of the film and TV series.”


“Who ARE these people?” asked Shatner, who then showed a sampling of Star Trek fans; young and old, healthy and disabled, many in Star Trek uniforms or costumes.


“I never really fully comprehended the levels to which this science-fiction show reached the souls of people,” said Shatner.


In the short clip, some fans explain the impact that Star Trek had on them, including career decisions.


Get a Life! will debut July 14 at the San Diego Comic-con and will premiere on July 28 at 8 PM EST on the EPIX Channel.






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