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Burton’s Reading Rainbow App Released

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A new generation of children will be introduced to LeVar Burton‘s Reading Rainbow courtesy of the Reading Rainbow iPad app.


Launched by Burton and business partner Mark Wolfe, the Reading Rainbow app is a free download with limited free access and two subscription options.


The app offers one-hundred-and-fifty books that will appeal to children in the three-to-nine-year-old age range, those “on the cusp of cracking the code,” said Burton, “and [who] just cracked the code, setting the lifelong pattern for whether they will be a reader or not.”


There are two subscription options ($9.99 monthly and $29.99 for six months), and children receive “unlimited access to the vibrant user-interface combined with engaging storytelling and earn rewards for their reading progress. The subscription is tied to [one's] iTunes account, so …the books [can be accessed] on one’s iPad.’


“Educational technology is what we need to get it done,” said Burton. “And if we marry educational technology with quality, enriching content, that’s a circle of win.”


There is also a companion Reading Rainbow Web service, located here, created for parents, which will update them on what their children are reading and the progress of their children. The site will also offer blog posts by Burton and education experts, as well as clips from the original Reading Rainbow.


“I genuinely believe we have an opportunity to revolutionize how we educate our children,” said Burton. “We just have to marshal the will to get it done.”


The Reading Rainbow app is available on the iPad App store.






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