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Dorn In Shakespeare Play

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Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine‘s Michael Dorn is now appearing in a production of William Shakespeare‘s As You Like It.


The actor, best-known to Trek fans as the Klingon Worf, will be taking on two separate roles in the play.


Dorn will be portraying brothers Duke Frederick and Duck Senior in the Shakespeare Center’s production of As You Like It.


“It’s a very good play,” said Dorn. “Shakespeare is pretty brilliant. This play was written in the 16th century, but the things that we say (on stage), interestingly enough, are the things that are still happening today. I think that people will clue into Shakespeare.”


This production of As You Like It is “set in present day Los Angeles with the Forest of Arden now the local orange groves and the Angeles Crest Forest campgrounds. The storyline remains intact, relating how Duke Frederick has banished Duke Senior from the kingdom in a power play. Duke Senior then works to create a new life in the forest with the people who have voluntarily exiled with him until his brother realizes the error of his ways.”


“I identify with the Duke Senior because I’m going through an interesting part of my life right now,” said Dorn. “Nothing major, but just looking at life and looking at how I look at life and how I look at people,” Dorn said. “I’ve always been optimistic and always sort of easygoing and naive in a lot of ways. Duke Senior is not naive, but he’s trying to make something out of a bad situation.”


Military veterans are involved in the production of As You Like It; as performers, backstage crew and front of house staff.


As You Like It will be running through July 29 at the Japanese Garden on the grounds of the Veterans Administration West Los Angeles. Ticket information can be found here.




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