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Star Trek Game Trailer And Screenshots

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For fans eagerly awaiting the forthcoming Star Trek video game, Paramount Pictures and Namco Bandai have released a new trailer and screenshots from the game.


Star Trek features a story written by Marianne Krawczyk in collaboration with Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman in which “players control both Kirk and Spock in a sweeping journey of epic proportions across unexplored planets and enemy battleships with the latest 23rd century weapons and gear.”


Kirk and crew will face the Gorn, seen in the original series’ Arena. “Great villains give our favorite characters a chance to become heroes in the process of attempting to eliminate a powerful threat, and Star Trek fans have been eagerly anticipating the moment when the antagonists of the game would be revealed,” said Carlson Choi, VP of Marketing and Namco Bandai Games America Inc. “This is one of those moments and we couldn’t be more excited to give gamers a glimpse at the challenges that lie ahead for Kirk and Spock.”


Actors Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, Karl Urban, John Cho and Anton Yelchin will be voicing the characters which they played in 2009′s Star Trek XI.


To see the screenshots, head to the link located here.






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