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Star Trek 2 To Be Bigger And Bolder

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According to Zachary Quinto, Star Trek 2 will be even better than Star Trek XI.


“It was bigger,” said Quinto, referring to Star Trek 2. “It was bolder, I think, than the first one, and that was pretty big and bold from my stand point.”


Quinto is “really excited to see what they do with it,” but trusts that J.J. Abrams will do their usual good work with the film. “”I feel like, you know, my work is done on the movie right now and until we have to go and promote it, then my work remains done,” he said, “and I let J.J. and his incredible team of people get in there and do the work that they need to do now.


“I feel very fulfilled, but I don’t feel particularly attached to what the outcome of that project will be because I have faith in the people that I was collaborating with to make it as good as it can be.”




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