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Resistance is Futile

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Resistance is Futile

When entering's Offical Star Trek Trivia






*There will be no trivia questions this week

*Next week Alterego will be guest hosting & he is going to do something unique which I think you all will enjoy!

*The week after Alterego guest hosts I'll probably be back

*I have not turned the TV on for more then a month. I'm going to try to turn the TV on and pick some random ST episodes to watch and think up new questions

*I'm going to design a brand new excel file to make storing trivia points more efficient

*12/6/03 will be our next trivia chat room session [it will be our tenth session]

*12/20/03 will be our eleventh trivia chat room session

*In January I think we will have 1 (or 2 at the most) "newbie trivia weeks"



Other Stuff

*Star Trek & Physics Monthly will be delayed because I don’t have the time and I don’t want to do what I did last time (typing that in a rush and at the last minute)

*Casual Chat Room Sessions? [theses are just posibilites]

--If I am able to I might host a casual chat room session on 10-28 @ ___[time]___ (day after Thanksgiving)

--12/24 @ ___[time]___ I'm also considering to host a chat room session then



(All of this is warranted to change. No plan is set in stone at this point.)



Master Q

Edited by master_q

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