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I'm back.


This coming week seems like it is going to a busy one for me. BUT. . . .

I will host's Official Star Trek Trivia and post some of the news from the Star Trek universe in the Trek News forum but other then that that's probably going to be it. [i still think I will be able to attend the chat on the 28th]


I have not made up any question at this point. After I post this I will make up some questions. I also have not watched any ST like I said I was going to (sorry). After watching lots of ST from the DVD sets I get tried of it - - like any show I watch for a while (and yes I can see your mouths dropping open when I stated that, lol). The best bet for me to start watching some more ST is to buy the fourth season of DS9 (I have the third season and below)...



Rules for Trivia {REVIEW}

It has been about 2 weeks since I last hosted's Official Star Trek Trivia so I'm going to review the rules with you . . . .


-Unlocked Topics/Questions are available to answer

Once in a while I get someone trying to answer questions that are locked. And the funny thing is - is that they have the answers [in locked questions the reply gives the answer]!

-When answering a unlocked question send me [master_q] a PM

I never really had a problem with this - which is good

-In the PMs you send me to answer trivia questions include the # of the question that you are answering

This is a recurring problem. When I first started to host trivia here at I was pretty lenient (because we were just starting and I wanted to get everyone use to how trivia works), but now most of you know how it works. If you send me an answer and you don't tell me what question you are answering then you will not receive credit (& I won't give you any warning - after I read the PM and it disobeys rules I'll delete the PM)



Make my life easier (not a rule, but makes my life easier)

-If you are going to answer several questions in one day, then don't send me a ten or a hundred PMs contain a question each

I get people who answer x amount of questions in one day and send me x amount of PMs. It would make more sense if you sent me one PM answering those x questions.






Trivia Rankings:


Cadet - 5-29 points


Ensign - 30-79 points


Ltn. - 80-154 points


Lt. Cmmdr - 155-279 points


Commander - 280-384 points


Captain - 385-554 points


Vice-Admiral - 555-759 points


Admiral - 760-1004 points


Q - 1005+ points


Super Q - Must have a total of 2000(+) points and take a pre-entrance exam getting 4 out of 5 'impossible' questions correct*


*Official Rules on entrance of this level of rank will be added in the future

*If have rank of Super Q you will get more privileges in the official trivia [details not available at this time]+


+Side Note Question ~ What do you all think the privileges should be for a person who has the rank of Super Q?



Master Q

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Well I'm going to pop in a VOY VHS tape that I recorded when it aired. (So you might find some more VOY questions to come).


I'll see everyone later



Master Q

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