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#302 - {Official} Star Trek Trivia

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{Official} Star Trek Trivia #302

Random Trivia - Analogies:


(They are back!!!)



Q1: Exorcise is to Expulsion as . . . .

___A. Breach is to Compensation

___B. Proliferate is to Reduction

___C. Subjugate is to Liberation

___D. Diffuse is to Dispersion


Q2: Pilfer is to Steal as . . . .

___A. Compensate is to Cancel

___B. Surmount is to Remind

___C. Commandeer is to Reward

___D. Sully is to Tarnish


Q3: Spasmodic is to Continuous as . . . .

___A. Dissolute is to Dissipated

___B. Comely is to Early

___C. Commandeer is to Reward

___D. Diffuse is to Spurious


Q4: Exodus is to Out Of as . . . .

___A. Anarchy is to Above

___B. Catalyst is to Under

___C. Reprieve is to Alongside

___D. Access is to Into




Answering: Do not answer here, send your answers to this weeks Trivia questions in a PM to me (master_q).


Points: 4 points for each pairs of Qs correct (can get a total of 8 points!)

_______This means . . . .

_____________If you get 1 Q correct, then you get 0 points.

_____________If you get only 2 Qs correct, then you will get 4 points.

_____________If you get 3 Qs correct, then you will get 4 points.

_____________If you get 4 Qs correct, then you will get 8 points.



Master Q

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Q1: Exorcise is to Expulsion as . . . .

D. Diffuse is to Dispersion


Q2: Pilfer is to Steal as . . . .

D. Sully is to Tarnish


Q3: Spasmodic is to Continuous as . . . .

C. Commandeer is to Reward


Q4: Exodus is to Out Of as . . . .

D. Access is to Into



Master Q

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